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The challenge: to notice one thing properly every day during January ’11, and to write it down. The result: more than 350 people across the world paying more attention to what was around them, and writing small stones. The birth of a new community of daily writers. A new movement – a river of stones. This book contains a selection of these engaged moments, written both by experienced poets and complete beginners, and a guide to writing your own small stones.
“This book is a delightful read! With more than 300 other writers from around the globe contributing small stones (i.e. short form poetry such as, but certainly not limited to, Haiku), this is a collection to be read, savored, and read again. The editors, who also run the river of stones and handful of stones web sites, have done a superlative job selecting the most beautiful and polished stones from the thousands that must have been submitted to them. Included also are occasional prose pieces concerning the practice and art of writing small stones (my own practice of writing Haikuish is not only one of poetry but meditation) and, very helpful for the beginner, a brief guide to writing down those brief moments that are the stuff of life.” ~ Richard Cody