Sun setting on the Lake by Lynda Bruce

This painting is part of a virtual gallery to celebrate the launch of my new novel, Afterwards.

Afterwards by Lynda Bruce

“Painted after a visit to an enchanted place; I was missing someone I had to leave behind.

The moment at the end of day. Brief and spectacular. We are released from the tyranny of the clock. The big old sun is going down.

Tomorrow, there will be a new beginning.”

Lynda Bruce completed her DEC in Fine Arts at John Abbott College Cegep in 1979, then obtained a BFA (with distinction) from Concordia University in 1984. In 1985 she was the recipient of the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant. Lynda paints mainly large-scale oils and mixed media on canvas. The Eastern Townships of Quebec where she has lived and painted for over 20 years provides the inspiration for her work. Light and colour form the essence of her canvasses which celebrate the peace, joy and sustaining quality that the beauty of the landscape provides. Her work has been exhibited widely in and around Montreal and Quebec City, as well as Toronto, Ottawa and Newfoundland in solo and group exhibitions. Her work can be found in many private and corporate collections.

Find Lynda Bruce at her site: Lynda is currently represented by the Galerie Rouge Art Contemporain:



Satya Robyn has a talent for revealing the extraordinariness of ordinary people.” ~ Alex

Afterwards is the new novel from Satya Robyn. After a serious car crash shatters April’s mundane life, she decides to run the London marathon. Will she reach the finishing line? Compelling and illuminating, it reminds us that it is never too late to begin over again.


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